Relax around the pool, choose your favorite book from our library or browse the web on your mobile device.

Enjoy the sun during the day.

Enjoy your coffee by the pool.

created by: Daniel Chorup

Walk along the beach to admire the sunset.

created by: Daniel Chorup

Swim, sunbath and relax on the golden, sandy beach.


Spinalonga Island


Spinalonga is located in the gulf of Elounta in north-eastern Crete. The island was a part of Crete but during the Venetian occupation it was carved out of the coast for defense purposes. 
In 1578 the Venetians construct a fortification ring around the island and a blockhouse at the highest point of it. In 1715 Ottoman Turks captured Spinalonga.

From 1903 to 1957 Spinalonga was used as a leper colony.  Food and water supplies, medical attention and social security payments were available to the patients.  Previously, Crete's leprosy patients, lived in caves, away from civilization. 

Today the island is one of the most popular tourist attraction in Crete. It is abandoned and the remnants of the leper colony and the fortress are visible to the visitors. Spinalonga is easily accessed from Elounta and Ag. Nikolaos by boat. During the summer months there are scheduled boat trips to the  island everyday. It takes about 20 minutes to reach the island from the harbour of Elounta.

Sourse: Wikipedia

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